Monday, August 4, 2008

A Continuation of "Not My Moral Voice"

On another occasion I watched as a famous actress was being interviewed (although not by Larry King this time). The big news was that she was pregnant, the father being her boyfriend. She explained she had been married before, and it had ended in divorce. Therefore, marriage to her was just a piece of paper and didn't mean anything. She and her boyfriend had a "deep spiritual connection" and that is what truly mattered. Here's my problem with that. This actress is equating marriage with the marriage certificate. The latter is merely proof. Marriage itself is something much more meaningful. It is saying to the person you marry that your love and devotion are such that you will bind yourself by law, commitments, and covenant. Not to mention that "marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God", and it doesn't matter how deep your "spiritual connection" may be--it's still not marriage. I believe most Americans still believe in the sanctity of marriage, but the voices of the red carpet ring so loudly in our ears that it can be discouraging. I heard Glenn Beck say something to the effect that many things are not so much a matter of right and left (meaning Conservative or Liberal) but of right and wrong. That makes it all the more important to stand up for what we know to be right and true.

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