Monday, October 27, 2008

So of course I was not serious about my proposal in the previous post. In fact, I have already taken the opportunity to study the issues and the candidates' positions and have cast my vote. I love America!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Now This Would Work . . .

My brothers and sisters and I used to watch "Young Riders" back in the day. It seems it was about Pony Express riders getting into scuffles and such, and if I recall correctly, the cutest Rider was one of the Baldwin brothers, but definitely not Alec. I've also recently become a fan of the occasional show of "Bonanza." It's a great day on Bonanza if no one gets killed, which means it's never a great day. At least Little Joe always survives the scrapes he gets into. Shows like these got me to thinking. When problems arose, a gun fight ensued. Problem solved. So I propose the following: "The Presidential Candidates Duel." There are many advantages to this method of choosing a president, but I will just mention a few.

1. U.S. citizens will not have to make the effort to study out the positions of each candidate.
2. No need for campaigns. Either you're quick to shoot or you're not.
3. No long voting lines.
4. This puts third party candidates on fair ground with Republicans and Democrats.
5. No more slanderous, expensive campaign ads on t.v. because it doesn't matter how many people you get to like you.
6. No need for watching 2+ hours of boring debates hoping to hear someone say something stupid.

Normally this would occur like a tournament--single elimination obviously--with duels occuring in each party until one person is left in each party. Then the duels between the differing parties until someone comes out on top. There's your new President of the United States. But because we're already at the general election, this time it will just have to be Obama and McCain. I must admit that change-loving Obama may be at a disadvantage in a gun fight with the ol' Maverick, but his youth may help out. I can see some potential drawbacks to my proposition, but I will just mention a few.

1. No second chances. You can't try running again in four years if you don't make it.
2. And, well, that's about it.

So think about it folks.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thank You Elder Nelson

I was really happy to read Elder Nelson's Ensign article on abortion. I'm realizing how important it is to stand up for moral, conservative values because they are constantly under attack. I recently read an article where "Pro-life" was actually referred to as "Anti-choice." I guess because it's the opposite of "Pro-choice." Yeah, I'm a thinker. So does that mean that those who support abortion are "Anti-life?" Anyway, one thing that stood out to me in the article was this (put in my own words): As members of the church, we strongly believe in the right to choose. Those who support abortion are confusing choice with consequence. Pregnancy is a consequence--the result of the choice to have a relationship that conceived life. We've all heard the phrase "You can choose the action, but you can't choose the consequence" or whatever it is. Obviously not all consequences are immediate, and we think we might be getting away with something (or not getting something we deserve if that be the case), but in the end everything will be sorted out.

Wut's happnd 2 the English langwij?

For texters these days, life is easy. You don't need to have a command of the English language to communicate. For example you don't need to know which "your or you're" or "to, too, or two" to use, because you can just put "ur" or "2". Being the old-fashioned girl that I am (or just stubborn and unwilling to change) I insist upon spelling out every word, capitalizing my "I"s, and inserting commas when necessary to avoid run-on sentences when I text. I'm not calling people, mainly teenagers, that use abbreviated language stupid or anything. I just appreciate a more sophisticated, thought-out use of our language. Here are some phrases from books I have read lately: "antics of rascality," "idiot imbecility," "mortal indomitableness," and one of my favorites, "the fruit of falsehood carries in its currents the giddy to the grave." Isn't is just fun to say those type of things? Think about all of the wonderful words that we never use anymore. I can't blame it all on texting because it starting happening long before that, but I think it is contributing to the demise of intelligent speaking and writing--not to mention proper grammar. But maybe that doesn't even matter anymore. Maybe there are more important things in life than knowing how to correctly spell "You". U know wut i mean?