Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wut's happnd 2 the English langwij?

For texters these days, life is easy. You don't need to have a command of the English language to communicate. For example you don't need to know which "your or you're" or "to, too, or two" to use, because you can just put "ur" or "2". Being the old-fashioned girl that I am (or just stubborn and unwilling to change) I insist upon spelling out every word, capitalizing my "I"s, and inserting commas when necessary to avoid run-on sentences when I text. I'm not calling people, mainly teenagers, that use abbreviated language stupid or anything. I just appreciate a more sophisticated, thought-out use of our language. Here are some phrases from books I have read lately: "antics of rascality," "idiot imbecility," "mortal indomitableness," and one of my favorites, "the fruit of falsehood carries in its currents the giddy to the grave." Isn't is just fun to say those type of things? Think about all of the wonderful words that we never use anymore. I can't blame it all on texting because it starting happening long before that, but I think it is contributing to the demise of intelligent speaking and writing--not to mention proper grammar. But maybe that doesn't even matter anymore. Maybe there are more important things in life than knowing how to correctly spell "You". U know wut i mean?


Anonymous said...

Betsee! I totaly no what u min. Mayb txtin puts so much into 120-160 characters as shld be in a 10 min conversatn. U shld join d txta's club & find out lot's of new tricks.
U don't want 2 spend 2 mch time typin sometin like...
"A meteorological specimen of identical plumage congregate in the closest proximity."
That's a lot of verbosity! Sad about the demise of intelligent speaking...It's about time to start thinking "intelignt txtin!"

jeff said...

I also employ correct grammar, spelling and punctuation when I text, but I've been slipping in my IMing. I almost never capitalize anymore when I chat. It's a slippery slope...

Denisse said...

I have to say that imbecil is one of my favorite words!!! ha ha ha!!! no but I agree with you in someways that texting is really debilitating people's spelling abilities and especially kids nowadays think that it is okay to spell that way in papers and even emails. I think it should only be acceptable when is so much easier to not spell the whole word, it takes too much time!!!:) And I agree, it totally gets on my nerves when people spell you're as the possessive adjective your, or they're as their!!! It drives me crazy!!!

Betsy Hollingshead said...

I do agree that abbreviating words in texting does allow you to say a lot more in the space provided than you would normally be able to. Maybe someday I will join the "txta's club" :-)

Anonymous said...

Glad to know you agree with me on that. Suddenly I have a supporter...As per the txta's club. Is there any one? I guess it's virtual. May be we should start one :)...what thinkest thou?