Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Thank You Elder Nelson

I was really happy to read Elder Nelson's Ensign article on abortion. I'm realizing how important it is to stand up for moral, conservative values because they are constantly under attack. I recently read an article where "Pro-life" was actually referred to as "Anti-choice." I guess because it's the opposite of "Pro-choice." Yeah, I'm a thinker. So does that mean that those who support abortion are "Anti-life?" Anyway, one thing that stood out to me in the article was this (put in my own words): As members of the church, we strongly believe in the right to choose. Those who support abortion are confusing choice with consequence. Pregnancy is a consequence--the result of the choice to have a relationship that conceived life. We've all heard the phrase "You can choose the action, but you can't choose the consequence" or whatever it is. Obviously not all consequences are immediate, and we think we might be getting away with something (or not getting something we deserve if that be the case), but in the end everything will be sorted out.


The Martin's said...

Hey Betsy-
I was so excited to find your blog, now I will totally blog stalk you. You should check our out.

Holly said...

Why do you have a blog that I didn't know about? Are we even friends anymore? J/K.

Denisse said...

I read that talk too! It was very interesting and it made me realize how the world twists the truth! Scott and I have talked about this before, the whole issue about pro-choice and how we believe in choosing, etc, etc, but the way that Elder Nelson puts things makes you realize that these women have ALREADY made a choice, pregnancy is the consequence!!! I'm so grateful we have prophets and apostles who enlighten our minds with the truth!!!:) Thanks for sharing your insights Best! I always find them interesting!:)

Holly said...

I just went back and read your whole blog and I'm and sitting here wondering why in the heck you are not married. You are pretty much THE best person I know, except you never call me. You are so thoughtful and intuitive and smart and funny and will make a perfect wife and mother one day. I would be highly surprised if a bad thought has ever crossed your mind. I kick myself for not going to Rick's and being your roomie, I could have learned so much from you. You are the best, Bets.

Anonymous said...

Holly is darn right. I share the same feelings. She's so hot! ...I mean Betsee :) I think it's gonna be sometime sooooner than you think that the perfect 'other' will get bold enough to open up, unintimidated by Betsee's overwhelming awesomeness. She's a natural mum.