Friday, October 24, 2008

Now This Would Work . . .

My brothers and sisters and I used to watch "Young Riders" back in the day. It seems it was about Pony Express riders getting into scuffles and such, and if I recall correctly, the cutest Rider was one of the Baldwin brothers, but definitely not Alec. I've also recently become a fan of the occasional show of "Bonanza." It's a great day on Bonanza if no one gets killed, which means it's never a great day. At least Little Joe always survives the scrapes he gets into. Shows like these got me to thinking. When problems arose, a gun fight ensued. Problem solved. So I propose the following: "The Presidential Candidates Duel." There are many advantages to this method of choosing a president, but I will just mention a few.

1. U.S. citizens will not have to make the effort to study out the positions of each candidate.
2. No need for campaigns. Either you're quick to shoot or you're not.
3. No long voting lines.
4. This puts third party candidates on fair ground with Republicans and Democrats.
5. No more slanderous, expensive campaign ads on t.v. because it doesn't matter how many people you get to like you.
6. No need for watching 2+ hours of boring debates hoping to hear someone say something stupid.

Normally this would occur like a tournament--single elimination obviously--with duels occuring in each party until one person is left in each party. Then the duels between the differing parties until someone comes out on top. There's your new President of the United States. But because we're already at the general election, this time it will just have to be Obama and McCain. I must admit that change-loving Obama may be at a disadvantage in a gun fight with the ol' Maverick, but his youth may help out. I can see some potential drawbacks to my proposition, but I will just mention a few.

1. No second chances. You can't try running again in four years if you don't make it.
2. And, well, that's about it.

So think about it folks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You wanna know what I think? Brutal, illogical, old fashioned...Did you mean that? I bet you were kidding :).

Well, I am just sad for a lot of 'maverick US citizens' would die in the process who would have been terrific leaders but were bad shooters. Shooting schools(if any) will thrive and achieve the 'ivy league' status. Going to the more formal schools to be educated may get thrown to the sidelines...Well, not a good thing for your hard earned college degree. If your proposition gets adopted I'll go get a PhD in shooting :). (if that exists)

I hope I get a second chance to add my views on this issue. It's important my dear friend.