Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Not My Moral Voice

A little while ago I was watching Larry King interview a very successful singer/songwriter/musician who will remain anonymous. I happen to like his music. A large portion of the interview was dedicated to talking about his efforts to help stop the spread of AIDS. He became disgusted as he spoke about programs in the United States that 'waste' thousands, perhaps millions, of dollars advocating abstinence because, in effect, "It simply does not work." Um, excuse me? In the end, it's the only thing that will work. Any other idea for prevention is simply masking the real problem. Is it too much to ask people to practice self-control and to actually have morals? This man would have us think so, but there are millions who prove him wrong. His celebrity status might make him the 'moral voice' for Hollywood, but not for me. I'd like to use the phrase "the proof is in the pudding". The fact that you rarely find someone with AIDS in populations that practice abstinence while in other populations AIDS cases continue to rise is proof enough for me.

1 comment:

Denisse said...

COMPLETELY agree Bets! If everyone understood that concept then our world would be different and we wouldn't have to worry about AIDS, but sadly I think AIDS will be around for a long, long time...very sad!