Thursday, January 29, 2009

Oh, Sweet Country of Ours

The morning of the inauguration I put my pajamas on (I had just come home from work) and snuggled under a blanket on my couch to watch a few hours of history in the making. I was pleased with the graciousness of out-going President Bush, somewhat disturbed by Aretha's "headdress" and her version of My Country 'Tis of Thee, and greatly satisfied with President Obama's inauguration speech. The most moving moment for me, however, was while the national anthem was being sung. I was so overwhelmed with patriotic feeling that I stood up in my pjs; put my hand over my heart; let a few tears sneak out; and felt extremely glad that no one else was home!

On to other things . . .

I find politics very funny at times. For example, the current news-hogging economic stimulus package. What I find humorous is that the Democrats in Congress are pouting and pointing fingers at their fellow Republican congressmen because not one of them supported the stimulus package. Well, uh, duh! Millions, if not billions, of dollars were going toward programs (some considered "social") that aren't in line with basic Republican principles . It's more of what Republicans don't want, so why be surprised and upset when they don't whole-heartedly welcome the package. To be fair, if situations were reversed, Republicans would be crying foul if Democrats weren't accepting their stimulus package. Democrats want money to go to the unemployed, the struggling middle and lower classes. Republicans want funding to create more jobs and to increase tax cuts. So whose philosophy is best for a struggling economy? Let me tell you this much: I have no idea. I'm no economist--I just like being amused by the finger-pointing and am thankful to live in a country where such political processes take place. :-)


Denisse said...

I agree politics can be quite interesting sometimes...I have high hopes for what Obama can do though...and I pray for him everyday!!!:) I hope he doesn't dissapoint me!!!:)

Holly said...

I'm glad you're back. Too bad I can't say the same about myself. I waste all my time reading other people's blogs instead of posting on my own. hmm.

John and Heather said...

Bets, I love your songs! I've been having my own little groove session. I'm so glad you posted some pics. I admit I had to laugh a little picturing you standing up in you pj's and letting tears trickle down your face. love you, you big sis

Emily and Reese said...

You would totally fit in with the Shurtliff's Sunday night conversations! :)

Emily and Reese said...

P.S. I LOVE that you stood up in your PJ's while the national anthem was being sung!