Monday, November 17, 2008

Just a suggestion . . .

I recently read a book called American Heroes in the Fight Against Radical Islam by Oliver North, who is a former marine and did a documentary for Fox News called "War Stories." Because so much of what we hear about the things going on in Iraq and Afghanistan is negative, I would highly suggest reading this book. Oliver North actually went there for Fox News nine times and tells of the experiences he had with the soldiers he was "embedded" with. Some things made me laugh (like when he quoted a Marine as saying "The French have always been there when they needed us") and some things made me teary-eyed (like the heroics of the men and women in our armed forces). The best thing about it is that it gives a different perspective than the one we usually hear. So in honor of Nov. 11 being Veterans Day, check it out.


jeff said...

Isn't calling Oliver North "a former Marine" like calling O.J. Simpson "a former football player?" That's probably too harsh a comparison, but still...

Glad you liked the book, though.

Betsy Hollingshead said...

You'll have to elaborate Jeff. I'm not getting the comparison.

Denisse said...

I definitely think it's time for an update Bets...miss ya!!!;)

Emily and Reese said...

Bets, you're so brainy! Sounds like a good book. Hope you have a great Christmas! P.S. I'd like to request some pictures on your blog next time! :) Love ya!

jeff said...

Well, Oliver North is a former Marine, but in those Marine days he was involved in some pretty big scandals and unethical behavior.

Betsy Hollingshead said...

If you're referring to the Iran-Contra Affair, that's just details . . . :-) Besides, his wife is named Betsy, so he gets extra points.

Anonymous said...


Denisse said...

Besty! nothing new in your life? come on??? What have you been reading lately? Any insightful reflections about life? NOTHING???? We need a new post!